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Family facing new life
Date Issued: 1960-04-07
Postage Value: 4 cents

Commemorative issue
World Refuge Year
Family facing new life

World Refugee Year focused attention on the problems of the world's homeless and destitute and the importance of universal participation in aiding these people. First attempts to deal with the refugee problem on an international level were made in 1921. The League of Nations appointed Fridtjof Nansen high commissioner for refugees. His primary concerns were the large numbers of stateless Armenians and Greeks who had fled Turkey and the 1.5 million Russians who had left their country after the 1917 revolution. Other international agencies established to work with refugees have included the U.N. Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, the International Refugee Organization, and the Intergovernmental Committee for Migration.

Topics: Children (204)  Woman (621)  

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