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Beau Geste, Gary Cooper
Date Issued: 1990-03-23
Postage Value: 25 cents

Commemorative issue
Classic films
Beau Geste, Gary Cooper

Gary Cooper was the son of an English lawyer who moved to Montana and later became a member of the state supreme court. Cooper was sent to England for his education, and completed it at Grinnell College in Iowa. In 1924 he moved to Los Angeles to attend art school. The budding actor supported himself by doing bit parts in movie westerns. By 1926, he had an important role in The Winning of Barbara Worth. Known for his simple lines: "yup" and "nope," for example, his style won him many roles in westerns, war stories, swashbucklers, and sophisticated comedies. Cooper's role in Beau Geste in the Foreign Legion was one of more than 80 he had between 1927 and 1961.

Topics: Entertainment (423)  Movie Industry (180)  Portrait (898)  

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