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Year of the Dog
Date Issued: 2006-01-29
Postage Value: 39 cents

Commemorative issue
Lunar New Year
Year of the Dog

This design marks the second to celebrate one of the oldest festivals in History, the Chinese New Year. With the upcoming year known as the Year of the Dog, this stamp design features a Pekinese, the royal dog of China. The Year of the Dog is celebrated worldwide and observed by millions of Americans who enjoy the traditional fireworks, parades of elaborate paper lanterns, and street dances by dragons or "lions." Each Chinese year is popularly known by one of the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac. Each name is used only once in 12 years. The Year of the Dog corresponds with the 11th year in the 12-year cycle.

Topics: Dogs (67)  Lunar New Year (52)  

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