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Washington's Headquarters, Newburgh, NY
Date Issued: 1933-04-19
Postage Value: 3 cents

Commemorative issue
Proclamation of Peace, 150th anniversary
Washington's Headquarters, Newburgh, NY

Purpose of the stamp is to honor the 150th anniversary of the official order issued by Gen. George Washington, containing the proclamation of peace, ordering the end of hostilities in the war for independence. Shown is the Hasbrouck House at Newburgh, NY, used as headquarters by Gen. Washington at the time the proclamation was issued. The Hudson River is pictured at the left of the house, and in the background are ranges of hills following the course of the river. In the lower right corner of the central design is a large tree with rocks and plants around the base. In the opposite corner is a cannon, partly hidden by shrubbery. In front and to the left of the house is a staff bearing the first Stars and Stripes.

Topics: Flag (336)  Landscape (217)  Military (462)  

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