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New York
Date Issued: 1988-07-26
Postage Value: 22 cents

Commemorative issue
Constitution ratification bicentennial
New York

New York was a strategic location during the American Revolution, with about one third of the major battles fought in the state. Gen. Washington unsuccessfully tried to hold off British control of New York in August 1776, with the conflicts moving to New Jersey and then to Pennsylvania. Following British successes at Crown Point, Ticonderoga, and Fort Edward, Gen. Burgoyne was defeated at Saratoga in a decisive battle. New York adopted a constitution in 1777. Alexander Hamilton and John Jay headed the state's delegation to the Constitutional Convention, and played major roles in its ratification. Although there was a bitter debate within the state over ratification of the Constitution, New York became the 11th state to ratify.

Topics: Horse (143)  Urban (27)  

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