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Pioneers entering Valley of Great Salt Lake
Date Issued: 1947-07-24
Postage Value: 3 cents

Commemorative issue
Utah statehood centenary
Pioneers entering Valley of Great Salt Lake

When the Mormons arrived in Utah in 1847, the region belonged to Mexico. A year later, following the Mexican War, the area became part of the United States. In 1849 the Mormons established the State of Deseret, a name from the Book of Mormon meaning "honeybee" and signifying industriousness. The U.S. Congress would not recognize Deseret and established the Territory of Utah, which encompassed a much smaller area, with Brigham Young as governor. The settlers had many skirmishes with the Ute Indians. Conflict also developed between Utah and the federal government, which was opposed to the Mormon practice of polygamy. A brief war took place in 1857 -1858, when President Buchanan sent federal troops to the area. Congress continued to refuse requests for statehood until 1896, six years following the Mormons renounced polygamy.

Topics: Animal (603)  Landscape (217)  

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