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Raoul Wallenberg & Jewish refugees
Date Issued: 1997-04-24
Postage Value: 32 cents

Commemorative issue
Raoul Wallenberg
Raoul Wallenberg & Jewish refugees

Raoul Wallenberg worked in Hungary during World War II, rescuing Jews from the Holocaust. During the last half of 1944, the Swedish humanitarian housed Jews and issued protective passports, thus saving thousands of lives. Arrested by the Soviets in Budapest in January 1945, he his death was reported in 1957. His captors claimed that Wallenberg’s death was by heart attack in 1947, at age 35. Reports later surfaced that he had been seen long past that date. An internal Russian investigation concluded that Wallenberg had been executed while a prisoner at Lubyanka.

Topics: Holocaust (5)  Portrait (898)  Woman (621)  

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